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About Us

We are individuals who have come together to embrace the power of "we" through a life-long love, appreciation, and passion for our home, the Big Island of Hawai'i.  Like so many others who have grown up in these islands, we share a deep respect for the sea, the land, and Hawaii’s rich cultural heritage.  The ocean is a major focal point for the people of our community, yet few pay close attention to the great importance of upland watersheds in maintaining a healthy environment from the mountain to the sea.  These forests are home to numerous endangered plant and animal species and play a huge role in regulating local climates. 





Landscapes endowed with native forests have healthy watersheds and do not suffer from severe soil erosion.  These forests are responsible for Hawaii’s amazingly clean groundwater resources.   

Vast expanses of land where forests once stood are now dry arid landscapes practically devoid of rainfall. These man-made “deserts” are subject to substantial soil loss during heavy rain events when chocolate brown rivers laden with thick sediments smother the abundant reefs with devastating effects on surrounding ocean life. 

"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect."
- Chief Seattle, Duwamish (1780-1866)

“Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.”
― Gary Snyder

We have long sensed the fragility of Hawaii’s forest ecosystems, and as they continue to disappear before our eyes we see how connected and vulnerable all of Hawaii’s natural resources are.  Our goal is to raise awareness within the local community about the interconnectedness of all life on this planet, and encourage a deep sense of appreciation through hands-on education, cultural activities, special events, workshops, etc.  These actives will help people to fall in love with the land, and more fully grasp the importance of its protection, preservation and perpetuation.  We believe people will protect what they love, and this will be our biggest ally in our lifelong quest to make a lasting difference in the world.

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