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Our Mission

Our mission is to protect, preserve, and perpetuate endangered native habitats and the indigenous cultural heritage tied to these environments. Through the protection of threatened landscapes, the education of local communities, and the archiving of indigenous cultural practices, we will have the tools we need to make the transition from our current way of life to a life of sustainable abundance. We are highly motivated to carry out these projects so future generations can see what we have seen and experience nature as we have experienced it. Our wish is for them to have the ability to live in harmony with the land, not only to survive, but to THRIVE.

 Aloha Legacy strongly promotes the concept of “stewardship not ownership”.  We believe humans are the caretakers of this earth and it’s OUR responsibility to leave it better than we found it.  Using our precious resources with a conscious mind is imperative to the wellbeing of all life on this planet. 

Protect - To keep safe from harm or injury


By purchasing and protecting threatened landscapes we will facilitate the survival of native plants and animals and the indigenous knowledge tied to these species.  Endangered life on private lands across the globe is increasingly being decimated by  overdevelopment, invasive  species,  and   human ignorance.   We   aim   to

counteract the exploitation of these resources by establishing places of refuge for native endangered life.  These sanctuaries will provide indigenous species and their interwoven cultural counterparts with a platform to grow and prosper.

Preserve - To maintain or keep alive


We intend to preserve natural lanscapes and cultural heritage globally. By maintaining these habitats and archiving the knowledge of traditional practices we will contribute to the preservation of indigenous beliefs, methodologies, and values. The Native Hawaiians were very aware that if they did not preserve their limited resources they would cease to exist.  They were expert resource managers whose everyday practices focused on abundance for future generations.  They knew their children’s children’s children would also rely upon the very same plants, animals, and water for their own survival.  The cultural practices of the Hawaiians and other indigenous people around the world allowed them to sustain abundant life while respecting the sovereignty of the land for thousands of years.   Aloha Legacy aims to inspire and teach people to start viewing the earth as the Hawaiians viewed their islands; our existence depends upon preserving the precious resources of our one and only home, Mother Earth.

Perpetuate - To cause to continue or prevail


We strongly believe in perpetuating indigenous cultural heritage through hands-on education. The sharing of existing knowledge tied to each of our project areas will allow us to emphasize the old ways of resource management and pass those teachings on to future generations. Maintaining natural ecosystems goes hand-in-hand with perpetuating the  ancient  relationship

humans  had  with  the  land.  Each of our projects aims to bring these elements together to celebrate cultural heritage through its perpetuation.  Spreading the old knowledge of how to live with the land will inspire others to make changes in their own lives, and together we will create the sustainable and abundant future of our dreams. 

“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”
Theodore Roosevelt

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