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Our Motivation

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”  ― Mahatma Gandhi






  forever. These traditions enabled people to thrive for countless generations in relative harmony with their environment.  This wisdom of sustainability has been swiftly replaced by "progress" which only exploits the natural resources of the land without a thought for tomorrow.  There are now 41,415 species on the IUCN Red List, and 16,306 of them are endangered species threatened with extinction.  This long list includes various species of elephants, bears, whales, dolphins, turtles ect.  These amazing creatures are disappearing from the face of the earth right now.  We can no longer turn a blind eye and be ignorant to what’s happening in our very own back yards.  NOW is the time to take action!


Looking around it’s easy to see the state of distress our world is in, with ever increasing poverty, pollution, depletion of natural resources, threatened and extinct species, food shortages, oil dependencies, soil deficiencies, and lack of empathy.  Through our obsession with scientific and industrial advancements we have removed ourselves from the natural world, leaving us out of touch with its true value.  Instilled with fear and lead by greed, power, and progress, we have been on a path of reckless unsustainable consumption with no regard to the irreversible effects it has on the planet. This way  of life has  continually been pushed upon indigenous people across the globe, resulting in the widespread decimation of  ancient  cultural  practices  now  on  the  brink  of  being  lost


​Latest project


Our current project involves the protection of 100+ acres of Hawaiian Rainforest located on the west side of Hawai'i Island.  This unique piece of land is home to indigenous and endemic plant & animal species.  The tangibility of purchasing this land and saving a large piece of forest has given us immense inspiration.  By acquiring private land for the preservation of endangered eco-systems, we can help to ofset the effects of our mordern life.  In Hawaii the demise of native life is at hand, and by preserving, protecting, and perpetuating the life of this forest we will make a real contribution to its survival.  This project will be our first step toward protecting  threatened landscapes across the globe, leaving behind a true legacy of aloha.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”
― Mahatma Gandhi




The Hawaiians once sustained large populations by expertly managing their resources.  They grew an abundance of food, harvested from the sea responsibly, lived pleasant lives, and perpetuated the life of the land specifically for the use of future generations.  This was the norm for well over a thousand years until western civilization altered the course.  Shortly thereafter the Hawaiian way of life was drastically changed and the old ways were all but abandoned.  This cultural destruction occurred very rapidly, and along with it came the destruction of the precious native environment.  The paradise we call Hawaii is now a land where native species struggle to exist as their habitats continue to be decimated.  Hawaii is well known as the “Extinction capitol of the world”.


We believe it is time to integrate ancient knowledge with modern ingenuity to  make the transition from a destructive world full of suffering to a world of abundance, compassion, love, and gratitude.



“The Hawaiian’s successful relationship with nature was the outgrowth of his world view - that man participates in a consciously interrelating cosmic community in which all of the beings of nature protect and care for one another.” 

- John Dominis Holt

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